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Marc Takeuchi Posted by Marc Takeuchi on April 08, 2016

Five Reasons Mobile Analytics Matter

Five Reasons Mobile Analytics Matter

Like it or not, Mobile usage is about to go way up

An essential component of any online marketing strategy is hard, user-driven data. Without it, online marketers are flying blind and are forced to make vague, educated guesses about the effectiveness of their online marketing strategy. With an increasing amount of online activity now coming via mobile devices and the applications that run on them, the ability to quantify how customers are responding is vital to formulating a successful long-term strategy.

Here are five top reasons accurate mobile analytics are necessary to achieve lasting online marketing success.

1. Allows you to find out which part of an app is working

Users can usually take different screens and paths when navigating through an app and the ability to track this will show what part of the software is being used most. It will also show what parts of an app are not working, allowing marketers to improve functionality and more effectively target content to the end user.

2. You learn how often people are using your app

Data shows people only use a quarter of the applications they have on their devices on a regular basis. If your app isn’t one of those, your traffic numbers won’t come close to living up to their potential. Analytics data, such as identifying second-time users, allows online marketers to know if their app is good enough to keep people coming back.

3. Identifies which mobile device is being used

Which mobile devices download your app? It is important to the overall efficiency of your mobile marketing strategy to understand which mobile devices should be prioritized for QA and future development. For instance, if you notice that more Android users download your app, you can look into why this is, and gain a better understanding of your target demographic.

4. Understanding trends will get easier

Users can be fickle in the way they use apps on mobile devices. What’s working today may not work in a few months or even a few weeks. One way to stay on top of the shifting trends is to analyze user data. While changes in current data might not always point to changes in users’ tastes, it is possible to pick up patterns that can help you stay ahead of the competition.

5. Essential to creating an effective mobile marketing strategy

It bears repeating, analytics need to be a cornerstone of any efficient mobile marketing strategy. This data will help outline measurable goals and can provide the hard data that quantifies expected results like ROI. It takes the guesswork out of determining what is working and what isn’t, allowing marketers to formulate an effective, data-driven mobile strategy that’s sure to reap rewards.

Need Assistance with Your Mobile Analysis?

Do you think you might be ready to ramp up your mobile strategy? Let the online marketing professionals at efelle, an award-winning digital agency based in Seattle, Washington, USA, help you analyze and boost your mobile traffic and online presence. We’ll check out your mobile traffic, bounce rate, time on site, and other key metrics to gauge the direction your mobile strategy should take. Call us today at 206.384.4909 or contact us online.