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4 Ways We Help Energize Your Website Copy
Catarina Guevara

4 Ways We Help Energize Your Website Copy

When companies hire us to write copy for their website, they often participate in some capacity, from gathering raw content to drafting certain pages themselves. Many ask for guidance on the best way to approach writing for the Web. We've gathered a few of the main points that seem to help most people focus on what's important. read more

3 Small Search Engine Optimization Tips that Make a Huge Difference
Catarina Guevara

3 Small Search Engine Optimization Tips that Make a Huge Difference

Search engine optimization, or SEO, can seem like sorcery. Just about everything about a website can be scrutinized for its impact on whether or not the site shows up on the first page of a Google search-which can make a person wonder whether or not it's even worth it to try to optimize your site at all. read more

The One Thing You Shouldn't Hack: Your Content Marketing Strategy
Catarina Guevara

The One Thing You Shouldn't Hack: Your Content Marketing Strategy

Scrolling through Facebook, it's likely that your news feed is full of "hacks." Ranging from quick and easy recipes to design or organizational ideas that make it look so simple, hacks are usually simplified or creative ways to tackle unpleasant or labor-intensive tasks. Peeling garlic? Just put it in a jar and shake it. Too cheap for boot trees? Use a pool noodle! read more

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