Email Marketing

Grow Your Customer Base and Increase Retention

Make the most of your list of subscribers through an optimized email marketing strategy

Email marketing has been found to be 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined in helping your business acquire new customers… if done right. When it comes to creating high quality and effective email marketing campaigns, using data driven strategies will guide you the right way. 

A Few Examples of Email Marketing Campaigns:

  • Welcome Subscriber Email Flows
  • Lost Lead Email Flows / Win Back Strategies

  • Monthly Newsletter

  • Targeted Sales Email Flows

  • Abandoned Cart Series

  • Client Engagement Series

The best part about email marketing (well, other than it’s effectiveness) is that it can be customized to your business and client needs. Whether it’s a custom workflow, internal email campaign, or abandoned cart series, there’s a way to use email marketing for your business. 

Why Use Email Marketing? 

Generate Leads

Bringing people to your website or to call you can be done through the right type of email marketing. When you optimize your email to be sent at the right time to the right person, you can generate results. 

Building Your Brand

Whether you’re an eCommerce store or a service firm, you have a story behind your business and buyers these days care about it. Use a welcome email series or blogs to tell your customers about how you got where you are today. 

Create Open Communication 

By frequently communicating with your clients, it will let them feel like they can reach out to you when they have a question, comment, or concern. Creating this open line is crucial to mitigating issues that might come up and growing your business. 

Boost Sales Intermittently

Both eCommerce and service businesses can benefit from specials sent through email. Offering a “limited time” or “insiders only” discount on a service can bring in recurring revenue on your client. On an eCommerce website, if you happen to be going through a slow season or need to get rid of some inventory, offering a discount to your subscribers can rack up some sales. 

Build Excitement

When you tell those over email about something new going on with your business - whether it’s a new office, a new product launch, or a big sale, telling them first will bring your business to the top of their mind and get them excited for you.

With the right strategy and right partner, email marketing can build your brand and business

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