eCommerce Marketing

Catherine Blake Smith Posted by Catherine Blake Smith on April 26, 2021

How Recent Facebook iOS App Updates Will Affect Advertisement Reporting with Facebook Pixel

How Recent Facebook iOS App Updates Will Affect Advertisement Reporting with Facebook Pixel

As of April 20, 2021, Facebook is rolling out an iOS update (version 14.5) that will affect conversion tracking for clients using the Facebook Pixel. Users who choose to update their Facebook app on their iOS devices will be prompted to opt into or opt out of tracking. 

With this update, we will see a reduction in reported conversions, revenues, ROAS, and a coinciding increase in CPAs. This is due to the fact that there will be some iOS Facebook App v14.5 users that we and Facebook can no longer track after they opt out. This does not mean that those conversions aren't still happening: it just means they can't be tracked/attributed. Initially, this will affect our reporting numbers, since the majority of our client conversions typically come from iPhone users. We might see a reduction in Remarketing and Lookalike audience sizes from iOS users who can no longer be tagged by the Facebook Pixel. 

As users update their tracking status in their apps, we recommend that your teams ensure the domain of your site is verified with Facebook, and that Event (Conversion) tracking is configured for users who opt in to tracking. 

Here are the instructions to verify the domain for your site through Facebook Business Manager:

After the domain is verified, you can configure Events (conversion) tracking from the Facebook Pixel. With the iOS 14.5 update you'll be able to pick up to 8 events that can be tracked/optimized for, and choose the order of priority. 

Recommended order of priority for eCommerce:

  1. Purchases (and make sure to add value tracking) toggle on
  2. Add to Cart
  3. Initiate Checkout

Recommended order of priority for Lead Generation:

  1. Leads
  2. Contacts
  3. View Content

Within the next two weeks we ask that you verify your domain and follow the event (conversion) tracking configuration steps outlined above. If these changes aren't implemented within the next two weeks, Facebook will pause any ads that use "old" conversion configuration, until the above steps are complete.

For more information directly from Facebook, please view the email from Facebook to Marketing Partners here. If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager at efelle!