September, 2015

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How To Come Up With Post Ideas For Your Marketing Blog
Marc Takeuchi

How To Come Up With Post Ideas For Your Marketing Blog

Everyone launches a blog with the best of intentions and, they think, lots of ideas—but it's always surprising how quickly you run through the brilliant topics you had chambered. And of course, you never feel farther from a great post than when you're staring at a blank document, willing yourself into writing something witty and useful. read more

Acton Construction's New Residential Design/Build Website is Live
Marc Takeuchi

Acton Construction's New Residential Design/Build Website is Live

Acton was in search for a new website design that incorporated high resolution project photos and a professional, clean feel. Their new site highlights various high-quality home remodeling projects that enhance Acton's visibility on search engines and increase traffic to their new site for potential clients. read more

How to Balance Consistency and Quality on Your Blog
Catarina Guevara

How to Balance Consistency and Quality on Your Blog

Making time to blog is not easy. You've got so many other things to get done, even coming up with topics to write about seems to be the last possible priority. You may also find yourself putting off blogging because, while you have some ideas, you don't think they're quite good enough. And, as a result, your blog lies fallow. read more

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