September, 2013

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efelle named one of the 100 Fastest-Growing Companies in Washington
Fred Lebhart

efelle named one of the 100 Fastest-Growing Companies in Washington

We're thrilled to announce that the Puget Sound Business Journal has named efelle one of the 100 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in Washington! It's an honor to be a part of this select group of businesses, which collectively generated revenues of more than $1.5 billion in 2012 and achieved three-year revenue growth of more than 173%. read more

System Update: Blog Posts Overview Overhaul
Amanda Eldreth

System Update: Blog Posts Overview Overhaul

The Blogv3 posts overview interfaces have been revamped to provide a quicker way to find the posts you are looking for...The Blogv3 module's Posts Overview page has recieved a new interface to make it easier and quicker to find what you're looking for. The interface is the same as some of the more recent overview page updates. Let's take a quick look at the the new interface so we're all on the same page. read more

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