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Innovative Manufacturing Company Receives a Responsive eCommerce Redesign
Leslie Schipper

Innovative Manufacturing Company Receives a Responsive eCommerce Redesign

Neucor Inc. came to efelle with the primary goal to create a professional and user friendly website to showcase and sell their new product. We utilized our eCommerce module which allows them to upload multiple images of their product, add descriptions, share benefits, specifications, and most importantly, allows customers to purchase their product. read more

3 Ways to Tailor Your Blog Posts to Facebook
Leslie Schipper

3 Ways to Tailor Your Blog Posts to Facebook

Though views and attitudes about blogs have changed over the years, one thing remains consistent: A blog is a great way to drive traffic to your site, by offering SEO-strong, regularly-updated material for Google to grab and serve up to searchers. But as Facebook and Twitter begin to refer more and more traffic to sites, it's important that marketers also focus on creating blog content that's scalable to the particular needs of social media. read more

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