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efelle Rebuilds Vessel Blenders' Responsive Website!
Leif Parcell

efelle Rebuilds Vessel Blenders' Responsive Website!

Founded in January 2015 out of a vision to improve the industry operations and processes, Vessel Blenders' leadership brings extensive experience in managing the cargo operations of over a thousand vessels at different levels of complexity. read more

Social Media Management: In-House or Outsourced?
Leif Parcell

Social Media Management: In-House or Outsourced?

It's 2016 folks. That means everyone should by now that social media must be a specific component of every company's marketing strategy. It doesn't take a master's degree in marketing to know that audiences are being driven to products and services through many different touch points... read more

eCommerce Trends To Jump On Right Now
Leif Parcell

eCommerce Trends To Jump On Right Now

It's hard to believe, but we've been buying things online for well over a decade. Still, trends in eCommerce and online shopping are changing all the time, as customers develop new habits and methods of discovery. If your online store hasn't been updated since the days of Web 2.0, it's probably time to look into what you could be doing differently—and what others are doing read more

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