Marketing for Home Builders

Fred Lebhart Posted by Fred Lebhart on September 15, 2019

How to Improve Your Home Builder Website's Conversion Rates

How to Improve Your Home Builder Website's Conversion Rates

Our favorite tips for increasing conversion rates on home builder websites

Are you a home builder looking for ways to improve the results of your online marketing efforts? Your website is your company’s home on the web. Not only should your website showcase beautiful homes and communities, it should also serve as an effective business tool that turns browsers into prospective buyers.

Live Chat

A large number of visitors to your homebuilder website will leave your site, never to return, unless you engage them somehow. Initiate conversations with your website visitors and enhance online support by adding a live chat option. Live chat enables you to determine who your website visitors are, what they want, and how you can help them.

Your live chat software should be proactive, or in other words, invite visitors to chat with you. Otherwise, many visitors probably won’t reach out. Advanced live chat tools enable you to target and filter your site visitors so that they’re only invited to one chat every 24 hours.

Stronger Calls-to-Action

Give your website visitors clear instructions regarding what to do next using bold text, highlighted text, or colorful buttons. Clear calls-to-action will minimize distraction and encourage visitor conversion.

Don’t overwhelm website visitors with multiple choices. Determine what the conversion goal of each page of your site is, and then move visitors towards those goals.

Visible Contact Information

Make sure your company’s contact information is highly visible on your website. It should be featured prominently in the header or footer. Contact information helps to build trust and gives your website visitors a sense of security. Having your contact information visible also increases your website’s local search presence.  

Launch an Email Newsletter Marketing Campaign

Not everybody who visits your website will be ready to call you to set up an appointment. But rather than letting those leads slip away, you could get them to register for your email newsletter and stay in touch with them. By sending them informative newsletters on a regular basis, you can create top-of-mind awareness so that by the time they’re ready to buy a home, your company will be the first they call.

Get Visitors to Download a Free Brochure

Offer your website visitors free brochure downloads with house plans and other important information. Get your website visitors to sign up for your email list in exchange for the brochures, so you can maintain communications with them. 

Enhance Your Website’s Visual Appeal with Image Galleries

Provide your website visitors with easy access to information about your homes and communities. Professionally shot images of your homes will enhance the look and feel of your website.

The more information about your homes that you provide, the less amount of time you’ll spend with prospects who aren’t a good fit. To maximize conversions and generate targeted leads, create image galleries that showcase every last detail of your homes and communities.

Increases Sales with an Effective Home Builder Website

efelle creative develops homebuilder websites that are lead generation machines. In addition to being eye-catching, our homebuilder websites are designed to convert browsers into prospective buyers. Best of all, our homebuilder websites come with a built-in CMS, making them incredibly easy for you to manage and update. For more information about our homebuilder website design services, give us a call at 206.384.4909 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free consultation.

See Also:
10 Things That Every Home Builder Website Needs
7 Video Marketing Ideas for Home Builders