Search Engine Optimization

Fred Lebhart Posted by Fred Lebhart on April 29, 2011

In Site Website SEO Techniques

In Site Website SEO Techniques

What you should know about in-site linking on your business website: What are in site links?

Quite simply, they're links from one page to another in your site.. Without these links, there?s no way for an end user to navigate through your site and no way for your site to be indexed properly.

Building a Good Link Structure

Proper links inform the user what the topic to be discussed. Using a ?title? tags, you?re giving more information about what the link is about, but more importantly you?re giving more information to a web crawler about the link and your linked page. For example: ?click here? doesn?t tell a web crawler much about the link. The link would get indexed as ?click here?, but placing a title tag on the link provides more information about the link.
The ?click here? is a common way links are made. Many people and even some developers will do something like this:

For more information about Seattle Design, click here.

Adding a ?title? tag to the link provides more information about the link. How can we improve our SEO? Making some changes to our sentence can make it much more meaningful to the user and our site indexer. Here?s how we can do a little better:

Learn more about Seattle Design by clicking the link.

Linking a key word as apposed to just the 'click here' gives the sentence more meaning to a user and is now indexed by a web crawler as 'Seattle Design' instead of 'click here'.

building title tags using our cms

When you create a link in our cms, you'll want to highlight the link, and select the 'insert link' option in the efelle CMS. Create your link and then select the 'Advanced' tab (see image right). Use this to add an advisory title, then hit OK. You've now created a 'title' for the link and added more value to your site.

In site links serve as a doorway to the rest of your website content. It?s important to think about how you build your linking structure. If you don?t take the time to do this, then you run the risk of getting your site indexed the way you want.