Conversations at efelle: Designer Kerry Sweeney
What initially got you interested in design?
As a kid I was a big art fanatic and loved to draw, so I would say it’s stemmed from that. It’s awesome to be able to put that creativity towards helping clients’ solve problems and establish a professional (and nice looking) online presence.
What is your general approach to design?
When starting a new project, I always begin by thinking about the end goal for both the user and the client. Then the important elements such as audience, industry and the overall brand aesthetic fill in the pieces.
How does having the mindset of a designer influence how you see the world?
I look at everything for inspiration, whether it’s billboards, print ads, or just stuff I get in the mail. I love watching how others approach design problems and use that as inspiration as well as an opportunity to learn from.
Favorite designed piece you’ve seen recently?
I recently saw a series of ads by American Express along a walkway while at the airport. They were so well designed I had to stop and study each one individually.

If you could work on any company’s website what would be your top pick?
I love travel & destination websites (currently my favorite is, so really could pick one from that industry and would be excited!
What do you want to improve on or learn about this year?
Keeping up with current trends and best practices while continually improving my design process.
Favorite aspect of efelle?
I love the broad range of clients and industries we have the opportunity to work with. And of course, the efelle team who is always keeping it interesting!
Favorite project you’ve done?
Taylor Shellfish and Delaurenti, awesome clients with amazing photography which was such fun to design around.
What are your desk essentials?
- Starbucks Tea (very important that it's tea, not coffee)
- My two succulents (Robert & Eileen)
- Florescent orange highlighter, black pen (can't stand blue pens) & spiral notebook
- CareBear