Law Firm Websites

Fred Lebhart Posted by Fred Lebhart on June 14, 2012

Legal Marketing Trends 2012: Video, Social, Mobile

Legal Marketing Trends 2012: Video, Social, Mobile

Does your law firm incorporate video, social media, or mobile strategies?

As legal professionals continue to work on the maintenance and growth of their client bases, many are turning towards technology for assistance. Because of this, three emerging marketing trends have become apparent. These law firm marketing trends are as follows:

1.  Video

According to the Cisco Visual Networking Index, two-thirds of the world's mobile data traffic will be video by 2015, and by next year more than 90% of Internet traffic will be video-based. With statistics and forecasts like these, have you already (or are you considering) incorporating video into your legal website?

2.  Social

It is no surprise that social media makes it on the list of emerging internet marketing tactics for attorneys. The most important aspects of social media for lawyers are engagement and integration. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus are some of the more common social media platforms used by individual lawyers and law firms in their marketing efforts.

3.  Mobile

The Cisco Visual Networking Index also forecasts that there will be almost 800 million mobile-only Internet users by 2015. A growing number of law firms have already adopted a mobile strategy (by developing mobile versions of their current law firm websites), but some of the most tech-friendly firms are even developing mobile apps for clients.

These marketing trends are becoming increasingly popular as lawyers and law offices strive to engage with their current and potential clients. And similar to how law firms must make sure their unique value propositions and brand messages are effectively expressed in their social media strategy, they must also do so in their websites.

Design a Professional Legal Website With Efelle Media

Professional websites are one of the most important marketing tools for individuals and firms in the legal industry – and great websites do incorporate video, social, and mobile strategies. Whether your law office is interested in a desktop website redesign, a social media strategy, or a mobile website design, efelle in Downtown Seattle can fulfill your legal website needs. Give us a call at 206.384.4909 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free consultation.  

See also:
Mobile Websites for Law Firms A Growing Trend
5 Social Media Marketing Tips for Law Firms