
Fred Lebhart Posted by Fred Lebhart on February 07, 2011

Seattle Web Design: Recommended Read

Seattle Web Design: Recommended Read

Is your website design getting you through “the dip”?

Founder and CEO of Squidoo, Seth Godin has authored a number of books over the course of the last several years that I have found have an intense and immediate impact on how I view business strategy and how I “move forward”. The Dip is one of his latest creations and as asks the question “Why do we quit and when should we”.

This is a question that entrepreneurs come across more often than any other, "if we can’t be the absolute best at what we do then when do we pack it in? Do we diversify? Do we put our head down and get through the hardest parts?" The premise of The Dip is analyzing this concept.

The entire book is really only just over 75 pages and is written in big friendly text – something that a guy like me, with a limited amount of time can appreciate. It’s short, to the point, and I was able to pull a lot of information from it. More important than anything, the information was the kind that helps lead you to your own conclusion. Every business owner and CEO may have a common ground upon which they build, but each face a number of unique challenges that apply only to them – this book is great for precisely that; helping YOU realize what it is that YOUR business should be striving for and the understanding the variables that play into that.

Nominate a reading for the Seattle Web Design: Business Building book of the Month

I always try to make time to read, but between the Seattle Times, the news wires, blog posts, twitter feeds and Sports Illustrated, a guy only has so much time; so feel free to help me out. Nominate a book that you feel has helped change the way you look at, interact with, or has changed your business, and if featured you will receive a complimentary consult on your website; evaluating the website design, functionality of integrated elements, and content. To enter readings please email us at [email protected]*

*All recommendations must be entered no later than the 25th of the month prior, please include a brief description of the book's concepts and how it has affected you and your organization.