Company News

Marc Takeuchi Posted by Marc Takeuchi on March 02, 2015

Stunning new responsive blog website for Seattle cocktail stylist

Stunning new responsive blog website for Seattle cocktail stylist

efelle Launches Custom Blog Website for Beautiful Booze 

Beautiful Booze was founded by Natalie, a Cocktail Stylist, Bartender, writer and photograher. She is the creative behind the over 200 unique alcoholic recipies featured on her blog. Her passion stems from her party planning and general intrest in 'supplying fun'. Her recipies are perfect for any occassion, but you don't need a reason to enjoy these creative and approachable recipies. Visit her website for inspiration for your next celebration! 

Design and Development Details Beautifulbooze-blog-website.png

This creative blog project was looking for a completely new design in combination with making the site responsive and mobile friendly. The clients main objective was to have the look and feel welcoming to a more diverse audience, as well as increase her brand visibility and be contacted for more business projects.

Beautiful Booze's new design featured, functionality to filter by alcohol type, social media sharing abilities on all blog posts, a custom press page to showcase all of the client's collaborations and a specific "Work with Me" page and contact form for visitors to reach out for partnering details or queries.

Check out their project details here!

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efelle creative is a Seattle Web Design firm that specializes in online marketingweb designweb development, content management, and search engine optimization. Our team of internet and web experts is located in Seattle, WA and has been helping businesses distinguish their website from their biggest competitors since 2005. Call us 206.384.4909 to speak with our online marketing specialist or fill out our contact form.