What's the Most Important Part of a Construction Website?
Construction Company Web Design Best Practices
Construction companies have a unique opportunity to advertise that many others don’t; through their building! Throughout Seattle, you’ll see cranes with a lit-up “A” for Anderson Construction, glowing above the city like a beacon for construction, or even a fence lined with the Synergy Construction logo next to a new apartment building’s design mockup. Unlike many businesses, they have a unique way they’re able to advertise to those driving by.
Now, with that first impression in mind, the next step a user will take if they have some interest in a construction firm is to find you online. While they may be interested in the project they saw your crane at or ad next to, they’ll want to learn more about who you are, what you do, and any other projects you may have worked on.
With this in mind, we can narrow down the three most important parts of a construction website and highlight them as well as make sure they’re easy to use.
Project Portfolio
With so many AEC websites, a portfolio is crucial. When it comes to building something, users will be looking at your past work, whether it’s someone they know, projects they know about, or work similar to what they’re looking for, it’s one of the most important parts of a site.

With a huge range of projects, Andersen Construction used filtering on their portfolios, making it easy for users to sort by the type of project, the location, and any specific features (ie LEED Certified, Design-Build, etc). Users are also able to search by name through their projects for easier sorting by users.
Construction Company Team
As you probably know, the person behind the construction company is one of the most important parts. There’s a reason referrals are widespread in the construction industry and it’s because people care about the character and the people behind the business.
Having a “Team” or “Staff” page is a great way to show the people that work at your company and put a face to a name. Whether it’s just your leadership team, pictures of your entire staff, or highlights of different staff members each week, showing off the people can add a specific connection that’s often not done over a website. 
As you can see, there are a number of different ways to display your team. At MRJ Constructors they included their leadership team, but made sure that other team members were included in photographs throughout the site. For Avara Construction, we included their leadership team and linked off to careers, since recruitment is an important part of their site. And finally, BNBuilders included a number of their staff members including HR, Directors, Marketing, and Business Development, showing the different yet crucial parts of their team.
Easy Ways to Contact
As you know, the decision making for a construction firm doesn’t end at the website, so making it easy for a user to reach out is crucial. Providing a clear Call-to-Action throughout your construction site for contacting your firm is crucial.
One way we often design websites to include a contact button in the top navigation of a site that stays present the entire time a user is on the site. We will also include clear contact information in the footer, including another link to a form, a phone number, email, and oftentimes an office address.

Our site for Barghausen Engineers is designed highlighting the CTA for Contact using their bright blue, making it stand out from the rest of the navigation and enticing users to click and contact the team.
While there are a number of areas that are important to your construction website, it’s important that you highlight these aspects and make sure they’re at the forefront of your design and strategy. When working with an agency, they should be sure that these areas are covered. At efelle, we prioritize our client’s goals with a mix of best practices like these.
Construction Website Redesign On Your Mind?
At efelle, we work as consultants that work with you to take an honest look at your website and decide if it's time for a redesign. Is your current site missing these three crucial aspects? If so, it might be time to reconsider your website's current performance. Fill out the form and you'll be connected with a digital strategist that can walk through your current site with you and make recommendations and share how you can grow your business.